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December 30, 2010

Regency Gown #2

I’ve finished the bodice of my dress, which means that the whole thing is nearly done! The skirt is just a couple rectangles gathered into the bodice.

I lined the sleeves with my self fabric, and interlined with organza for extra poof. The right sleeve is misbehaving, I don’t think I ironed it as well as the other side.
The bones still need to be cut – turns out the new dremel tool doesn’t work on the bones, so we have to go to storage* and get the old dremel tool.
I’m really proud of the eyelets – I have an eyelet footplate attachment for my sewing machine, but they were still a lot of tedious work. I like the lacing much better than buttons though. Hope they hold up!
*I’m not a fan of having a storage unit, and I’m hoping we can sell our house quickly so we can cram all that junk back in our closets! đŸ˜‰

Stripey Socks

After reading a post on Swungover about the trend of young men wearing stripey socks, I thought I’d share some images of the girls!
Check out the stripeys on these girls! The question is, were the boys stealing from the girls, or the other way round?
I see a lot of solid contrasting socks on jitterbug girls, too.
Socks and sandals were normal…it was considered gross to not wear socks or stockings.
And don’t forget to coordinate your socks and panties!